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Code of Operating Principles

Our Code of Operating Principles

As the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board’s (WSIB) Ombudsman, the Fair Practices Commission is an advocate for fair process. The mission of the Commission is to facilitate fair, equitable and timely resolutions in individual complaints brought by workers, employers and service providers and to identify and recommend system wide improvements to WSIB services. In fulfilling its mission, the Commission adheres to generally accepted Ombudsman principles and standards.


The Commission is separate from, and independent of, the WSIB’s operations and line management. The commissioner reports directly to the Board of Directors through the chair.


The Commission treats all parties to a complaint with respect and open mindedness; it does not take sides in a complaint. The Commission conducts investigations and makes  recommendations in an impartial manner.


The Commission protects private information it receives and maintains records and systems that are separate from those of the WSIB. The Commission does not disclose information unless given permission to do so.


The Commission uses informal processes to respond to complaints. It does not participate in, or give advice on, entitlement issues or matters that can be appealed.


The Commission’s Charter, its practices and procedures and summaries of complaints are all available on the Commission’s web site. The Commission issues a public annual report of all its activities and initiatives.

Our Charter

On March 4, 2004, the board of the WSIB approved the charter of the Fair Practices Commission. It includes the role, mandate, core qualities and authority of the Commission. The charter was revised in 2007 and 2024.

The charter protects the Commission’s independence by stating that the commissioner can be fired only for just cause. This does not include disagreeing with the commissioner’s recommendations.

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